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Working with Recruiters
Working With Recruiters
If you are contacted by a recruiter directly, chances are they've been hired by a company to find candidates with a background similar to yours and they have gone to some lengths to seek you out. Recruiters can be a great benefit to assisting you with your career direction and appraising you of job opportunities in the marketplace.

Before you proceed with a recruiter it is very wise to find out what type of a working relationship or contract the recruiter has with their client. Is the recruiter retained or working on contingency? Beware of contingency recruiters. In most situations they do not have a contract or exclusivity on the job position being filled. In fact, they are only rewarded financially on the completion of the assignment and are driven to send as many candidates (qualified or not qualified) to the client in the shortest period of time. In other words, contingency recruiters are less discriminating, and are not especially interested in your specific career needs. Their goal is to convince you to allow them to send in your resume in the hope that the client might be interested in interviewing you for the position. This is often a waste of time for both the candidate and the client if you are not qualified for the job.

Retained recruiters like Martin Kingston & Associates work on exclusive assignments and offer their clients a more confidential and selective approach to filling job openings by utilizing research and their understanding of the client's specific hiring needs. Candidate confidentiality is of foremost importance and your resume will not be submitted to anyone without your prior approval.

You may wonder why a company would choose to utilize a recruiter. There are many advantages to a company who works with a Professional Retained Recruiter, rather than advertising in Newspapers or on the Internet. Often job searches have to be confidential in nature and cannot be broadly advertised. However, if a company chooses to advertise in the newspaper or on the internet, they must also have individuals committed to reading many resumes, screening them and prescreening them, hence eliminating job hoppers and job shoppers. When working with a recruiter it is almost always more economical to hire them for their expertise in finding select individuals with specific skills than for clients to do it themselves. Recruiters recruit every day all day long, after all, this is their specialty.

A lot of companies understand the need to delegate, to use a specialist and therefore hire recruiters. This enables them to do what they do best while utilizing recruiting specialists to do their best for them-the end result, the best of both worlds.

The reality is when you contact a recruiter you are adding another dimension to your job search repertoire. If you have contacted a recruiter in the past and that recruiter has not helped you, it is probably because that particular recruiter did not have an opportunity where you met their client's needs. It is best advised not to call a recruiter and then sit back and wait for a position to come to you. Recruiters work on the positions they have to fill today. Recruiters are a valuable partner to have in a job search. They are a tool to be used. They should never be your only tool. You must first understand a recruiter's job and your job in this job search you're embarking on. When you understand how and why a recruiter works, you will better understand how they can work for you.

Choose carefully the recruiter(s) you decide to work with. Do not sign agreements requiring you to pay a fee. Do ask questions. Do contact recruiters and work with those who actually help you with advice, interviews or interview training. Spend your valuable time with recruiters who are recruiters because they want to make a difference and help candidates as much as the companies they represent.